Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Difference "Staging" Makes

MLF Photography & Design offers "staging consultations." Here are a few reasons why they do:

1) It is absolutely necessary if you are trying to sell a home quickly and for the most possible money. Your product must stand out from the rest.
2) Some agents are not comfortable or knowledgeable about the staging process.
3) Sometimes an agent has a personal relationship with the seller and does not want to jeopardize the relationship by delivering "hard to hear" recommendations.
4) Occasionally an agent is overwhelmed by a home's condition, and feel they need assistance putting together a game plan.

To address the above issues MLF Photography & Design will walk through the entire home, inside and out. This can be done with or without the agent and homeowner. Notes will be taken and recommendations will be put together in a final report. The report will list recommendations room by room. This will act as a worksheet for the agent and home owner.

Here are a few before and afters of a home done for an agent who had a "round about way" personal relationship with the homeowner. These "before" photos were taken with a sub-par (IMO) cell phone camera. I wish it had shown a wider angle. The home had a lot of clutter and disorganization happening. As you can see the homeowner got it looking great for final photos.
This "before" photo was taken after the window treatments had been tweaked and the arrangement of the seating area had been configured as you see it in the after photo.

This room was cluttered and crowded. Furniture was removed and de-personalization and de-cluttering was done. Leaving this space looking more open and spacious.

The kitchen still had clutter despite homeowners efforts.

This picture is a very good example of the type of clutter that was throughout the home. When you are "living" in a home this may be acceptable, but when you are selling a home it needs to look like "anybody's" home, not "yours". You can see the difference in the before and after.
One thing no one can guarantee - and that is that the homeowner will comply with all the recommendations. This home looked satisfactory, but a few recommendations were made that were not taken. The staging consultation works as a tool to help the home owner realize that it's not just the agent saying so, but that there are others who believe that a little (or a lot of) work is necessary to prepare the home for the market. It's also a tool for the agent to separate themselves from this aspect of the listing process, which is often one of the hardest for the homeowner, outside of the move itself. 

If you have any questions about the "staging consultation" process, please give me a call I would be happy to answer any questions. 602-809-7710, Michelle.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Great show I discovered

My to-do list today contained laundry and dusting. Yeah. (Sarcasm) But we gotta do what we gotta do, right? About mid-morning I stopped to take a snack break to refuel. During this time I turned on the tv to a new show on A&E called "60 seconds to sell". I'm not sure that it's actually a "new" show, but it's new to me. I loved it! It demonstrated how staging makes a difference in the final selling price. If all seller's watched this show before contacting a real estate professional, the agent would only have to work half as hard! 

Staging baby, staging is where it's at!

If you're a real estate professional and you'd like some assistance with staging, give me a call. I'd love to help. 
If you're a home owner and would like help staging your home for sale give me a call. I'd love to help you too!
602-809-7710, Michelle