Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Let’s talk about the “fact” that a real estate listing IS the first impression for a home that is for sale.

This explanation acknowledges the fact that the real estate listing goes up even before the “for sale” sign in most cases.

Most individuals looking to buy a home have a job, sometimes more than one. Some have families. Some have heavy social lives. Some lack mobility. Some live out of the area. In this day and age people are busy and always looking for some way to save time and energy. That’s why the real estate listing IS the first impression for a house for sale.  

We are in the digital age. Most of us carry mini computers in our pockets or purses – our smart phones. We are connected at any and all times. What’s the easiest way to find a home? Drive around? Look in the newspaper? Of course not, we get online and we “search” and we find. The digital world we live in has enabled us to speed shop. We look something up, make a decision in seconds and move on.
Don’t give a buyer a reason to move on. Call me 602-809-7710 Michelle

BAD first impression = Lost Opportunity

Pricing for MLF Photography & Design

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